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Community Connections meeting this Thursday, Sept. 1

Polk County Cares, unsheltered population and warming shelter updates to be discussed


All are invited to learn more about the Polk County Cares warming shelter and the unsheltered
population in Polk County at the Polk County Community Connections meeting at 7:30 a.m. this
Thursday, Sept. 1.

The meeting is held in the fellowship hall of the Bolivar First Christian Church, located at 407
W. Broadway. The entrance is on the east side of the church.

Doughnuts and coffee will be provided.

Polk County Cares is a faith-based, not-for-profit group focused on helping the unsheltered
population, addiction prevention, crime prevention and helping at-risk youth.

Board member Neoma Sanders says Thursday’s program will include a broad overview of the
organization as well as announce plans for a warming shelter at their facility at 404 W. South

The group will talk about upcoming training available for those wanting to serve at the warming

“We’re ready to share what has been going on for a couple of years,” says Sanders. “The
warming shelter has been a long time coming and we really hope community volunteers,
churches, agencies and other organizations will partner with Polk County Cares to take the
volunteer training and be ready to help when the shelter needs to be open.”

Traci Rickman, Polk County Cares board member and volunteer coordinator says the group has
worked closely with other warming centers in Springfield for guidance.

“These groups, and especially Karen Mizell, coordinator of the East Sunshine Church of Christ,
have been wonderful resources to help us develop protocols, procedures and training in order to
make our shelter Operational,” says Rickman.

The Community Connections meeting lasts 60 to 90 minutes, but those attending may leave as
needed to get to work or school.
Those attending are encouraged to bring materials and information about their business, school,
organization, agency, or church to share with others.

Community Connections is a non-for-profit 501c3 organization supported by a coalition of
volunteers, churches, businesses, agencies, educators, and health care providers from throughout
Polk County.

Community Connections partners with these coalition members to help improve the overall
mental, physical, spiritual, social, educational, and economic health of Polk County families.
Meetings are open to the public.

For more information, contact Community Connections at Community Connections – Polk
County on Facebook or at connectpolkcounty.org